Hello! I am Saikat Mitra!

Welcome to my digital space! I’m Saikat Mitra, a data enthusiast located in Stuttgart, Germany, driven by the endless possibilities of data analysis and its transformative potential.

Currently, I’m immersed in writing my Master Thesis at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), where I delve into researching about various deep learning algorithms used for mobility data. This opportunity allows me to merge my academic curiosity with practical insights, contributing to advancements in the transport sector.

Prior to this, I served as a Teaching Assistant for Data Mining at Otto von Guericke University, where I not only facilitated learning but also contributed to refining the curriculum to align with industry trends, ensuring a pertinent learning experience and created engaging exercises, problem sets, and supplementary materials to boost student comprehension.

My proficiency extends across a versatile array of programming languages including Python, R and SQL. I’m adept at leveraging these languages alongside cutting-edge tools and frameworks such as Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Databricks, and Docker. These skills have empowered me to create an ML infrastructure on different cloud platforms like GCP, Azure and AWS, be it for research or business requirements.

I’m passionate about collaborating on projects that push the boundaries of what’s possible with data. Whether it’s exploring potential opportunities, discussing collaborative ventures, or simply engaging in stimulating conversations about AI and Machine Learning, I’m always eager to connect. Feel free to reach out via LinkedIn or drop me an email - I’d love to hear from you!